Tracey Lannon; Psychology of Design

In this lecture, Guest Lecturer Tracey Lannon, spoke to us about the psychology and emotion of design. Her main theory is behind being Human and how us as humans recognise and make sense of the world. Her concept comes from finding a meaning in everything you do within design such as an emotional response for example. Her work and practise also tackles a wider view of design and society; looking at real world problems and designing new human experiences. In the lecture we spoke a lot about the Brain, the Eye and how these work in conjunction with each other to create this reaction that happens in a millisecond. The brain creates an emotion; An image of a lamppost that was shown to us can have 1000 different expressions or experiences related to it, and they are all individual and unique to ourselves. The dark and gloomy image of the lamppost has negative connotations to me; bringing back memories of walking through stree...