Goat Animation

In this Process and Production workshop I improved my skills further in After Effects. I feel like I learned a lot in the previous workshop so therefore this time I wanted to push myself even further. I started by creating a simple but workable character, using layers in illustrator to separate limbs and extra features of the character. I chose to use a goat; something simple and cute that would move and make noises in a reality based animation. This animation in real life could be used in a children programme or advertisement as the nature of the image is colourful and playful. The noises and setting is also very exiting and immature. I chose to use describe movements, using anchor points, to move the tail, mouth and head of the goat. I also used a layered animation filter that would add a colourful and mysterious swirl patterned background. This only added to the magical effect of the animation. 
Analysing the animation, I think that there isn't as much of a jump as the previous animation; me and my tutor Sara both agreed that the movements in the goat could be more ambitious which would allow for a much more effective animation. More crazy and eccentric movements on the character would also add to the emphasis and characterisation of the theoretical children's advert. This makes me want to recreate this animation trying more complicated and detailed animations. 

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