Essay Briefing

In this lecture, we were introduced to our second-year essay brief. The brief is to produce a 5000-word essay based around a research project of our own choice relating back to the subject of graphic design. 

The essay is a written response to your own independent research. Research may be conducted in, but not limited to, histories, practices, theories, and technologies about contemporary graphic design and/or animation. You will draw upon historical and modern methods relevant to your discipline as well as opinions and concepts from other subjects, such as literature, philosophy, art, music, and science. 

The essay should contain the following elements:
1) A title that outlines a clear and focused interest.
2) A 150-word abstract which summarises the essay’s arguments and position.
3) 5 keywords.
4) An introduction that outlines the central themes and arguments presented throughout the essay.
5) The main body of the essay should develop unique critical concepts and should contextualise theorists and ideas.

6) The inclusion of images.

7) The conclusion that reaffirms the main arguments and identifies further questions. 
8) A reference list required to conform to the APA 6th referencing system. 

The essay needs to refer back to a constant yearly development of our own practice, and as Graphic Design is a vast topic, it is now, being in the second year, more important than ever to refine in on a particular part of Graphic Design that is interesting to me. The essay should take into consideration this new practice. Instantly, my mind was racing with different thoughts to consider researching projects around branding and editorial design as it is one of my favourite topics and I already know many sources of inspiration that I could draw inspiration from. 

Overall, I am really excited about taking on this task. 

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