Adobe After Effects: First attempt

In my third Process and Production tutorial I had a play-around on Adobe After effects. 

We started by looking at motion graphics and inspiration; I was fascinated by the actual impact of motion graphics and how much it actually plays a part in advertising a brand. I was also shocked at the outcomes you could create through motion graphics; at first I wasn't particularly interested in the topic but now I feel like I could research and look into in the subject more. One of my favourite motion graphic example is the advertisement for the new iPhone 7 by which varied techniques within After Effects are used to advertise this product. 

So we started by looking at Standard Television Definition and after choosing a free music clip online started creating frames within our After Effects Document that enabled us to create a simultaneous movement throughout the clip. The end result was a very simple video that included a change in the block colour background to certain stages in the video. This was my first ever time using After Effects and after the workshop I went home and tried other techniques within the software. I hope to learn more skills within After Effects because, as said previously, I enjoy the outcomes of motion graphics and I believe the outcomes are a very impressive and contemporary way of advertising. 

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