Photo Editing Workshop

In the latest Process and Production workshop we were introduced to photo editing techniques and software that enables us to edit photos in an inventive and professional way. My first thoughts were positive; I love photography and am fascinated with the different ways in which we can manipulate imagery that can be used within Graphic Design. 

Working with Adobe Photoshop and using some of Rob's great photography, we started by inputting them into the creative cloud software. We used the lasso tool as well as the magic wand tool to selected and delete parts of the image. We were also introduced to the basic shortcuts of the software. This was all very common to me as I had previously used the software before. We then played around with colour, shadow and hints that overall enhanced the image from the page. All these techniques where very useful to me and I will definitely use the techniques learnt in future projects. 

I am currently working on my studio project by which I am required to use images in an editorial context. I will definitely use the skills provided to enhance these images. I hope that I will learn more about photo editing software as it is a subject I am greatly interested in. 

I recently took a trip to Manchester to gather information on my Studio Project. I decided as an independent task to go away and edit the photos in a similar to way in which we edited them in this workshop session - enhancing colour, background, shade and lines making the photo aesthetically look more pleasing. 

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