Towards Relational Design

In this seminar we were introduced to an article from the Observer about Relational Design. We were asked to decode it and pull out any meaningful influences, interesting terms or fun facts that we have learnt. We were also asked to think about our own practice and what holds ressanence to ourselves. This seminar linked to the one on perfomance design that has ultimately influenced my other studio project on Imminent Self. 

Here were the main themes that I gained from this article: 

  • Form Content and Context are the three stages of design
  • Idea that everything designed nowadays are post-modern and minimal
  • interested in combining practices such as clothes and architecture
  • We as designers are always on the hunt for trends or ideas
  • New and clean design will run out eventually
  • Relatable being a fan of conceptual work
  • New and upcoming technology has always dominated design in the same way that it does today
  • Fascianted by cultural symbolism and how it effects design
  • Negative approach to 21st century digital problems
  • On going technical problems
  • Users are now expecting more from designers
  • Is modern slick design actually a real thing? Can we create modern design in an ever changing post-productive world?
  • Clean designs are not always the preferred or the 'answer'
  • We live in a climate that needs more envriomental design yet we continue to use old habbits and harm the planet more and more everyday
  • Designers are now "hacking" at other peoples designs, taking bits apart and putting them back together
  • Modern designs are not actually functional
Overall, the main theme of the article is a very negative one in my opinion. I enjoyed the article and I think that it allowed some food for thought on the future of relational design.

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