Placement Preparation; matching Cover Letter and CV Design
Coming up to Placement Year I believed it was important to spend some time developing and working on my CV, Cover Letter and Website Design. I decided to have a unique running brand throughout so all matched and all fit within a particular design scheme. Looking for inspiration found online and working out what I wanted to portray I have created an online personality that I think works well with the style of design I would like to produce on Placement Year.
I am really interested in minimal design and branding; I'm obsessed with slick contemporary design that is full of concepts and background. I am also interested in editorial design, the use of negative space and ideas surrounding fashion branding and marketing. I am also a big fan of Scandinavia and the design aesthetic that comes from this region. Taking all that into account, I have opted for a very minimalistic and fresh design aesthetic; taking this pastel pink hue colour scheme throughout the 3 design ideas ultimately making it work more harmoniously. The colour is a specific colour that runs throughout and has been inspired by this Scandinavian, Contemporary branding approach. I have also used a contemporary serif font; Din, which is also the font I use throughout most of my work, follows the three documents too. I have also included my little logo which is a nod to myself and hopefully a small icon that will be memorable and unique.
I hope that this way of branding myself will come across well to future employees and I hope that they can tell what kind of designer I am from this.
Example cover letter |
CV Design |