Cinema 4D as a Design Tool: Character Creation

In this workshop, we used Cinema 4D once again to construct and develop a model of a simple character design. The lesson started once again with us all organising work folders, arranging assets into place and opening needed notes and instructions in order for us to work professionally and to industry standard. 

We started off the workshop working with shaping; building and developing this character shape from a cube. We then added arms and used a subdivision surface that enabled us to smooth the character out into a more effective and realistic character model. 

Once that was complete we were then asked to add facial features. We were also asked to add colour. Throughout the whole year, I have been developing a brand of myself with a muted pink colour scheme that is minimalistic and contemporary so I decided to carry this through on this character design. 

The final result is effective and interesting and I feel like I could work on this further to develop it in a unique and effective manner. Character design and modelling isn't my area of expertise within design but I give it my best and enjoyed learning something new. 

Here is the final product created in this Cinema 4D Workshop: 

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