In this recent lecture we looked into Bauhaus, its historical relevance, the alumni it created as well as the Bauhaus Movement and how this has been one of the most significant inspirations in design. Bauhaus was a experimental art school, located in Germany that mainly was created to challenge questions such as the city of the future and how design influences society. The school is influential for its modern take on art; any design nowadays that involves clean aesthetics, modern features or function following form will have originated within the walls of the Bauhaus School of Art. The Bauhaus was also noted for allowing creative disciplines that expressed feelings, emotions or ideas and anything prior to the Bauhaus t...
In this seminar we looked at how semiotics were also used within Advertisements. This was one of my favourite seminars; I love looking and analysing pieces of art and I've never really thought about the effectiveness of semiotics within advertising and especially Christmas adverts as they have become a sort of trend nowadays; the best way to sell a shop at christmas in todays market place is to have a very effective, most times emotional and relatable, Christmas Advertisement. Christmas Adverts really have become their on genre with intentional festive messages that are so relatable and emotive. When looking at the different adverts we were asked to question the following; What techniques are used? Meaning? Signs? Relationship/Meaning? Which are the most effective? John Lewis Christmas Advert 2016 - #BusterTheBoxer Relatable: putting up presents on Christm...
In this workshop we learned about 3D space - exploring depth and the z-axis in after effects. C himamanda Ngozi Adichie's Speech used in Beyonce's World tour Prior to the workshop we were asked to prepare a text, quote, or song lyric to work with which we would then move, rotate and manipulate with Z-Space using After Effects. I chose to use C himamanda Ngozi Adichie's motivational speech about feminism - it has been a hit globally, with thousands of hits on Youtube and even an appearance on Beyonce's 2013 Album. The speech talks about women rights and the role of women in todays society so I believe it is a strong and powerful message to use within my work. I inputted each word by word and decided to move past the recommended 10 second video so that the audience can really get a full grasp of the quote and the full nature of my intention which was to manipulate the words to what...