Formative Assessment: Genealogies

For Formative Assessment we had to create a 5 Minute Presentation Summarising our whole Studio Project based around Genealogies. The idea was that it would be spread over 4 pages: 
  • Page 1: Initial Narrative
  • Page 2: Expanded and Distorted Narrative
  • Page 3: Final Outcomes
  • Page 4: Design Development and Visual Communication 
Here is what I created. I have decided to keep the layout and style simple, relating to my sketchbook work keeping the editorial feel alive with a minimalist layout design. Because there was a lot to cover, I do think some of the pages look cramped. I think I need to learn to edit ideas down and keep things to a minimum. This use of editing can come in handy when letting my work speak for itself. I am overall pleased with how the presentation went. 

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