Development of Genealogies

Developing on from my original and extended narrative I have played around with many different techniques and ideas. 

I started by creating a typography idea. Being inspired by the Stonewall Inn, the New York pub that sparked the stonewall riot, featuring Marsha P. Johnson and other famous activists,  I took the signature 'S' Neon logo and recreated it in Illustrator. I then decided to be inspired by artists Lungdren and Linquists who did work for a Festival which was scoped for blurring the lines surrounding LGBT. Instead of blurring the lines I came up with the concept of reading between the lines, therefore, deleting the original typeface leaving the inner shaping. This spark of idea, left me with a very contemporary and interesting design. The shapes, lines and form reminded me of Lester Beall's iconic shaping that influenced numerous fashion brands across the globe. The lettering, although contemporary, held enough relevance to my research. 

I then went on to play around with Beall's photomontage influence and working in the style of Lungdren and Linquists, recreated the grainy effect of the found history and books of the military jacket by creating this very contemporary dot effect pattern of Johnson herself. 

I also played around with the use of conflicting imagery and overexposed typography, working in the style of napalm girl and Barbara Kruger. 

Overall, I was very pleased with development of my ideas and I believe I put lots of my research into the ideas I have played with. 

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